Lower Risk of Revision Surgery After Arthroscopic Versus Open Irrigation and Débridement for Shoulder Septic Arthritis
Risk of revision I&D was markedly lower after arthroscopic I&D compared with open, although the protective benefit was limited to patients aged 65 years or older. Arthroscopy was also associated with decreased costs, length of stay, and complications. Although surgeons must consider specific patient factors, our results suggest that arthroscopic I&D is superior to open I&D.
Which types of arthritis can affect the arm?
Arthritis in the arm can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the elbow, shoulder, or wrists. It may affect one or more joints, depending on the type of arthritis a person has.
What to know about os trigonum syndrome
The os trigonum is an accessory, or extra bone, that sometimes develops behind the ankle. It does not always cause symptoms, but when it causes pain, due to irritation and inflammation, a doctor will refer to this discomfort as os trigonum syndrome.
What to know about shoulder arthritis
Shoulder arthritis refers to damage to the cartilage in the shoulder joint. It usually results from wear and tear on cartilage due to aging or injury, such as a fracture.
8 IT Band Stretches and Exercises to Help Relieve Outer Knee Pain
There’s nothing fun about that stabbing pain outside your knee caused by iliotibial band syndrome. The good news though? Doing IT band stretches and strengthening exercises can provide much-needed relief.