PRP may offer longer-term improvements, pain relief vs. corticosteroids for tennis elbow
While both corticosteroids and platelet-rich plasma may be effective treatments for patients with lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow, PRP may offer longer-term functional improvements and pain relief, according to published results.
Pseudo-Jones Fracture Diagnosis and Treatment
A pseudo-Jones fracture, also known as the avulsion fracture of the fifth metatarsal, is the most common type of fifth metatarsal fracture. The fifth metatarsal is the bone that runs from the midfoot to the base of the small toe on the outside of the foot.
Causes of Pain Between the Shoulder Blades
Upper back pain between the shoulder blades has many causes, including muscle strain, herniated discs, arthritis, or, less often, a serious health problem. Treatment for pain between the shoulder blades depends on the cause but frequently includes stretching and medications for pain.
‘Don’t push into pain!’ How to rescue your knees from everything from torn ligaments to injured tendons
From runner’s knee to fraying cartilage, knees are involved in 40% of sports injuries. But it can be hard to pin down what’s wrong, or what to do about it. Just because knee issues are common, that doesn’t mean we should ignore them and soldier on.
What Is Iliopsoas Bursitis?
Iliopsoas bursitis, also called hip bursitis, is inflammation of the iliopsoas bursa. This bursa is a large fluid-filled sac found under the iliopsoas muscle, which supports hip movement. The iliopsoas bursa provides cushion for tendons, ligaments, and muscles to prevent friction during movement.